Graduate and Doctor in Physics from the University of Concepción, Doctor of Philosophy (2014) at the University of Heriot-Watt, United Kingdom. In 2015 he was awarded a Riemann Fellowship for a postdoctoral stay at the Riemann Center for Mathematical Sciences, at the University of Leibniz, Germany. The same year he obtained a Postdoctoral Fondecyt grant at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Since 2016, he has been an Assistant Professor at the Arturo Prat University where he develops as a teacher and researcher in the area of physics at the Faculty of Sciences. In 2019, he obtained a Chile postdoc scholarship abroad for a stay at the Institute of Space Sciences at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His lines of research are mainly General Relativity and topological theories of gravity in Riemann-Cartan spaces.